BTS Billboard Winner of Main Prize, "History and Shocking"
I've never been nominated for a non-permanent group in Top Duo's history.
The U.S. music industry has also recognized the popularity of BTS.
"Group that inherits all the K-pop idol advantages but overcame the limitations."
"Juche, authenticity, artistry" strength... get the fans to respond.
U.S. POP Music Gives Positive Emotion to the entire K-pop community
◇ Jeong>
BTS, BTS, another big job. At the 2019 Billboard Music Awards held this morning,
Korea became the first Korean singer to win two gold medals.
Some people say that it has changed the world's music landscape.
I'm going to hear what it means and what it's like in the U.S. A few days ago, he published a book called 'BTS the Review' and
he's in the U.S. I'm music critic Kim Young Dae. Hello.
*Kim Young Dae >
Yes, hello.
Yes, the Billboard Music Awards are one of the top three music awards in the U.S. What are the top three music awards?
The Billboard Music Awards, the American Music Awards, and the Grammy Awards are usually called the top three music awards.
◇ Jeong > The most prestigious one is the Billboard?
*Kim Young Dae >
Grammys, it depends a little bit on the standard.
Billboard's award is something that we can recognize from the public.
Grammys are a little bit more about the judges' evaluation.
What's the difference in the way Billboard chooses to be popular?
The Billboard Music Awards are basically released every week. It's because it's an award ceremony that reflects various statistics collected by the Billboard chart and indicators that reflect the popularity of the show.
◇ Jeong >
He won the Top Social Artist award for the third consecutive year.
First of all, what is the Top Social Artist award?
*Kim Young Dae >
There are social media like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. SNS.
Let's sum up the popularity of this song.
We also reflect the votes our fans are voting on.
So, it's a field that shows young people who are the hottest and most popular artists that they like.
◇ Jeong > Yes, and this is the first time I've won the top duo category. What kind of award is this?
* Kim Young Dae >
This award is a major prize in the real-life category.
It's not a solo artist, but a duo or group award.
This year, Maroon 5Bra, Imagine Dragons, and I've won another award with some of the award.
◇Jeong >
So, to put it simply, the top duo group category is the main prize on the Billboard award, right?
*Kim Young-dae:
Yes, I can say so.
On the contrary, the social artist that you introduced earlier is the most popular social networking site. Top duo group. The first one to win was the best singer. But not the single singer.
This is the first one.
*Kim Young-dae.
Yes, actually, this segment was first created in the late '90s. But this is the first time in the history of this field that a non-English speaking foreign team has been nominated and won.
I'm sure you all know that the American music industry has such a high barrier,
but if you look at this, it's a historical and shocking part.
◇ Jeong Gwan-yong >
No, did you even have a candidate in Asia or something like this, or non-English speaking?
◆ Kim Young-dae >
Yes, that's actually true for those of you who know the American music industry,
you know that it's almost impossible.
If we usually have British music, and of course the UK belongs to a foreign country compared to the U.S., but in fact, the country is a cultural sphere like the U.S. And what we call Latin music is, after all, a tributary of some American music.
But these Asian countries, these other places, especially the East, Korea, are not necessarily non-mainstream.
It's hard to be nominated because it's a category that's ambiguous, but actually winning the prize is a shock.
It's also the first time BTS has become a candidate. But as soon as he became a candidate, he won the prize.
Yes, that's right.
What would you describe?
Well, if you think of this award as the Billboard award,
it's an award ceremony based on some of the most popular indicators,
and you've been nominated for it with some of the top stars in your country, haven't you?
Therefore, the popularity of the movie, which is recognized within the mainstream industry of the U.S., is a recognition that stands out as a recognized star.
I think I can see it like this.
I heard that the BTS stage was set up right before the finale. The best singer will be at the end, right?
* Kim Young Dae >
Yes, that's right. There's a good reason.
The same is true of Billboard Awards. And so did the last Grammys.
Now, most of the awards shows in the U.S. are seeing their ratings plummeting dramatically every year. But the number of people who are going to be the main audience in the commercial is huge. The broadcasting companies are worried a lot. In that sense, it's like BTS.
With the emergence of a new superstar and star like this, it's an opportunity for American broadcasters to raise their ratings and to make the whole music industry more active.
It's a great pleasure. Of course, I can't help but make the most of it.
Yes, very few Americans don't know BTS anymore, do they?
* Kim Young Dae:
I think so. Because we actually like some singers, don't we? That's personal taste, isn't it? Recently, there was a show called "Saraday Night Live." In a sense, it's happening right now, and there are no friends who don't know, especially those who listen to a lot of music.
◇Jung Kwan Yong.>
You wrote a book called 'BTS the Review' recently.
What do you think is BTS' greatest advantage?
*Kim Young-dae:
I use this expression to inherit all the strengths of K-pop idols,
but to overcome what we thought was the limit.
So, it's an evolving model for K-pop idols. I think it's an artist-type idol.
The biggest attraction that I think is the music, their personalities,
and the parts of life that they usually show. It's a consistency.
But that's what we say in music. So I think that's the biggest advantage of authenticity,
and that's the part that drives people crazy.
◇ Jeong > is not a doll, but a person who throws himself voluntarily?
This is what you're saying, right?
*Kim Young Dae > Yes, the main attraction is the identity of music,
the feeling of being honest with you, and the sincerity of being able to capture such things.
◇ Jeong> it'll keep going. What do you think?
◆ Kim Young-dae >
Now I'm starting to think that no matter how I imagine the bigger result,
it won't be weird.
In fact, back in the past, a few years ago,
there were a lot of people who thought it was weird if we said we could do things like win awards, Grammy, or Super Bowl.
But now I'm starting to think that it's not a fanciful idea.
And don't you have any special status in the U.S., actually,
as a pop idol only enjoyed by American groups? We've already achieved that a lot in that Korean group called BTS won the album in Korean.
But through BTS, there are positive inspirations for the Korean music industry and K-pop as a whole. I don't think it's going to cool down like that in the future.
I'm proud of you, Jeong Gwan-yong. I hope you continue your winning streak. Thank you for today.
Yes, thank you.
This is Kim Young Dae, a music critic.
◇ 正官用>
BTS,防炭素年団,もう一度大きな仕事をしました。 韓国時間今日午前に開かれた2019、ビルボード・ミュージック・アワードで韓国歌手としては初めて2冠を獲得しました。 "最初から世界の音楽の地形を変えてしまった,このような評価も出ているが,どのような意味なのか,また米国現地の雰囲気はどうなのか,今聞いてみます。 この間,"BTS もっと レビュー"という本も出版され,現在アメリカにいらっしゃいます。 音楽評論家の金ヨンデさんです。こんにちは。
◇所チョン・グァンヨン>はい。 ビルボード・ミュージック・アワードが米国の3大音楽賞の一つだといわれている3代音楽賞が何な、何ですか。
■キムヨンデ=グラミー=少しずつ基準によって異なりますが。 ビルボードは大衆性が分かる,確かめられる,そんな賞です。 グラミーはもう少し審査委員団の評価が分かる賞です。
◇ 鄭>ビルボードが大衆性が分かるというのは選定方式にどのような違いがあるのですか?
■金英大=基本的にビルボード音楽賞自体がビルボードチャート,毎週発表されます。 そのようなビルボードチャートが収集した各種統計数値や,そのような各種大衆性を反映する指標を反映して作った授賞式であるためです。
◇所チョン・グァンヨン>3年連続トップソーシャル・アーティスト賞を受賞した。 まずトップソーシャルアーティスト賞というのはどんな賞ですか。
■金永大=言葉通り,ソーシャル,ユーチューブ,ツイッター,インスタグラムなど,こうしたソーシャルメディアがあるんじゃないですか SNSです。ここから出た人気度などを総合しています。
はい,また今度初めて乗ったのがトップデュオグループ部門です これはどんな賞ですか。
◇ 定款用>だから簡単に言えばトップデュオグループ部門はビルボード賞の本賞ですね,本賞?
◇ 正官用>
反対に前に紹介していただいたソーシャルアーティストはSNSを中心に人気が一番高い,なるし。 トップデュオグループ、今回初めて乗ったのは、いわゆる最高歌手、ところで1人、歌手でないグループで1等、これですね。
外国語で音楽をする外国チームが候補に上がり,受賞したことが初めてです。 だから私たちが米国の音楽産業がとてもそのような障壁が高い,こんなことは皆知っているはずなのに,こんな事実を見ればちょっと歴史的でまた衝撃的だと言える部分になるでしょう。
◇ 鄭寛用> いや,アジア圏やこういった方,つまり非英語圏は候補さえなかったんですか。
■"キムヨンデ"は,実は米国の音楽産業を知っている方なら,それはほぼ不可能に近いということをよく知っているだろう。 私たちが普通,イギリスの音楽とか,
もちろん英国も米国に比べれば外国に属するが,実は英国という国は米国と同じ文化圏だと言えるでしょう。 そして,私たちがラテン音楽だと言うことも,結局は米国のある音楽の支流です。
◇ 鄭>だから防炭素年団も候補になったのも今回がはじめてです。
◇ 正官用> その意味は何と説明しますか?
さらに受賞したのでは? だから名実ともに米国の主流産業の中でも認められるその人気度というのが認められるスターとしてそびえ立った一つの認証だ。 こう見られそうです。
はい,そうです。面白い理由があります 実はビルボードアワードも同じです。
これが放送局がとても心配しているんです。 そのような意味で見るなら,このBTSのような何だと思いますか。 新しいスーパースター,このようなスターが登場することで,米国の放送街では,
◇ 正官用>はい,アメリカの人々の中にBTS知らない人はもうほとんどいないですよね?
私はそう思います なぜなら,私たちは実際にどんな歌手が好きだ,嫌い,
それは個人の好みではないですか。 ところで,今最近"サラデットナイトライブ"というショーも出てきましたし。 ある認知度では今盛んに盛んに行われており,
◇ 正官用> はい,この間"BTS もっとレビュー"という本も書かれており,
Kポップのアイドルの長所をすべて継承するが,また我々がこれまで限界だと思っていた部分を克服した。 だからKポップのアイドルにとって一つの進化したモデルと言うべきでしょうか?
私が考える一番大きな魅力といえば,音楽と彼らの性格,そして彼らが普段見せてくれる人生の部分です。 このような姿が何らかの一貫性を保っているということです。
◇ 正官用>だから人形のように仕立てられて上からの言いなりになるのではなく,
自分たちが自発的に自分の体を投げかけるのだ? このお言葉でしょう?
◇ 正官用>続くでしょう。どうでしょうか?
グラミーとか,スーパーボールとか,そういう公演などを'私たちができる'と言ってくれれば,変だと思っている人が多かったんです。 しかし今は,'それが荒唐無稽な想像ではない'という気がします。
ところが,それを今'防炭素年団'という韓国グループが,また韓国語のアルバムに数えたという点で,すでに多く行われています。 しかし,これからBTSを通じて,全般的に韓国の音楽産業やKポップ全般に及ぼす,そんな肯定的なインスピレーションなど,そういうものがあるのではないでしょうか。
◇ 正官用> 満足です。 引き続き 勝ち星を してください。 今日はありがとうございます。
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